Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Teacher's Day Cards

Here's come Teacher's Day cards in small sizes that I made for my mother's friend. She wants to sell them to her students so they can give to their own teachers. I only made 12 of them. It just as small as a palm. I made different design in each cards. Hope you all enjoy....


 I did some editing in Picnic .The robot...the tree...and also the wording...They have variety and glamorous wording.. compare to Microsoft office application..nerddddd....hihihi ....:D This design is using paper quilting. I made a blue pink cat with bright pop eyes. 

A lone ranger owl

The lone ranger owl was sitting on a green flowery branch. But there is sun rise flowing in the sky. Hmmm...I should make the owl eyes look more sleepy..But owl does sleep with eyes open right??? yup..Red yellow owl in Malaysia...come visit Malaysia..(iklan bersama...:D )

                                       Zoom in...

Random design..

1.Chocolate theme. Size as 1/3 of A4 paper. Just as display I put on a stand so I can take a better look in picture.

2. This one I suppose to give to my second sister on her 27 birthday. But its come to past dateline and still not having ideas on whats going to be done here. Glup....biane (sorry in Korea) COMEL..Comel is her nick name that was given to her by my oldest brothers .. Reason she look cute when she was young..now???? still cute Comel??? Can be categorize as cute..hihihi... First time doing word design..

3. This design seems to be a flowers in a beautiful pots. It grow as healthy and bright as the sun shine to it....:D Just a simple design..

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Paper quilling flowers


Here are my first ever paper quilling flowers. At the beginning I thought on doing a beautiful bright sun, but as I look into it..it seems look more a like a sunflower. Don't you agree with me? I am sorry for this blurry picture..I eager to buy a camera for myself in future. Or maybe someone might give me as a present..someone with big kind heart..hmm refers to my sister COMEL...blink..blink..(please imagine the cat in puss in boots film teary eyes)..heeehee..


These are my others paper quilling flowers. I use a tooth pick as the flowers stem and a black box witch resemble pots. My older sister was very curious how to quill a paper in making creative homemade cards. huhuhu...I just makin those flowers on simple plain white card. Then she add a silver glitter onto those black pots. It looks quite amazing with some added value. Nice job sis...:D